5 Day Watermelon Cleanse |
3 Days Watermelon | 2 Days Watermelon & Salad
Loose Waste - 8-20lbs in 5 Days
Designed to move toxins and waste from the Gut/Digestive System | Detox the Liver & Kidney’s | Move the Lymphatic System
What's Included:
- Detox Manual/Prep Instructions - Everything is written out for you
- Detox Recipes - instructions included
- Shopping List
- Detox Eating Schedule
- Video Prep instructions
- Telegram Detox Group
Detox Plan Bundles:
enhance your cleanse by adding these detox herbs
- 16oz Sea Moss Gel - Increase waste removal, 92 Minerals, cleanse the Colon, Support Constipation
- Gut Buster Detox Tea - slims the waist, remove old stubborn waste from gut, repairs gut lining
- Detox Capsules includes - Sea Moss Capsules, Chlorophyll, and Herbal Laxative
Consult with your doctor or Pharmacists if taking medication before starting a detox Do not stop taking any prescribed medications
+Detoxing is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding moms. Follow detox until mid-day and eat raw veggies
+Exercise is not recommended during a detox